YESDEX 2022 Yeongnam International Scientific Congress & Dental Exhib…
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Name WONHYO INC. Date23-03-06 14:18 Hit2,292 Comment0Related links
Dear Partners
Wonhyo INC attended Yeongnam International Scientific Congress & Dental Exhibition (YESDEX 2022) on Nov 12th ~13rd 2022.
We attend as Shinil Dentec which is our branch in Yeongnam boundary.
We had the great collaboration with our Magic Files and GT3+ Endo Motor.
The great success in YESDEX 2022 is that we had chance to show our product for new buyers.
We did the hands - on course for display.
And promise to offer a decent cooperation.
We are sincerely thank you for all concern and help.
Thank you again.